Keeping Geckos as Pets
Geckos are one of the most popular reptiles to be kept as pets – especially for beginners – and with good reason. They tend to be docile and easy to …
Over recent years, reptile keeping has developed from something of a minority interest among a small number of dedicated fans to represent a large and growing part of the mainstream pet industry.Success with these animals goes hand-in-hand with a good understanding of their general biology and particular needs - which is where this site comes into its own.
Geckos are one of the most popular reptiles to be kept as pets – especially for beginners – and with good reason. They tend to be docile and easy to …
First off it must be said: chameleons are not ideal pets. They are certainly not for the beginner and they really dislike being handled so for anyone hoping to have …
Despite the common belief that many people easily keep a tortoise at the bottom of the garden, occasionally feeding it lettuce leaves – tortoises are actually a challenging pet and …
Despite their differences from us, there are several diseases which can be transmitted from reptiles to humans and care must be taken when handling reptiles to prevent infection. Generally, with …
Keeping your reptile healthy is one of the key duties of a reptile owner and it can also be one of the most challenging. Reptile health depends on a wide …
While most people immediately think of reptiles, particularly snakes, when they think of skin-shedding, in actual fact, all animals shed their skin at regular intervals to maintain health. In fact, …
While reptiles can make rewarding pets they do require a high level of commitment and many people embarking on ownership without realising how expensive or difficult they can be to …
The short answer is “No.” While a mixed-species ecosystem is often seen in zoos and other institutions, this is not something that should be attempted by a hobbyist unless they …
Unlike many other pets, reptiles will spend a large part of their lives in their enclosures or terrariums and in some instances, may have been caught in the wild- therefore, …
Certain species of skinks can make great pets particularly for reptile beginners or children keen on getting a reptile pet. They are among the best lizards to handle, being relatively …