Expert Advice on Caring For Reptiles

Over recent years, reptile keeping has developed from something of a minority interest among a small number of dedicated fans to represent a large and growing part of the mainstream pet industry.Success with these animals goes hand-in-hand with a good understanding of their general biology and particular needs - which is where this site comes into its own.

Creating the Right Environment for Your Reptile

Unlike many other pets, reptiles will spend a large part of their lives in their enclosures or terrariums and in some instances, may have been caught in the wild- therefore, it is vital to give proper thought to the design and set-up of your pet reptile’s environment. Not only will …

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Keeping Skinks as Pets

Certain species of skinks can make great pets particularly for reptile beginners or children keen on getting a reptile pet. They are among the best lizards to handle, being relatively docile and easy to tame. They are also playful and agile, providing hours of entertainment for those watching. Care is …

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Keeping Aquatic Turtles as Pets

Turtles are endlessly fascinating and are often popular choices as pets, although most people do not realise the amount of work and effort needed to care for them properly, including large tanks special lighting, good filtration and lots and lots of cleaning! Which Turtle? For beginners, the best choice is …

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Hibernation and Your Reptiles

Most people think of bears or squirrels when they talk about hibernation but in fact many reptiles hibernate as well – although the process is more correctly called “brumation” as it is different from mammalian hibernation. This is because, unlike mammals, a reptile is not living off its fat reserves …

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What to Feed Your Reptiles

Feeding is the one area where keeping reptiles may be quite different to keeping other pets. Unlike dogs, cats, rodents and birds, it is difficult to maintain nutritional balance and health by feeding your reptile on commercial reptile foods. This means that you may have to spend significant amounts of …

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The Fake Lizards: Salamanders and Newts

Although often mistaken for a type of lizard due to their similar body shapes salamanders and newts are in fact members of the Amphibian family. They originate from the Americas and the temperate regions of North Africa, Asia and Europe – and in many cases, the terms “salamanders” and “newts” …

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Keeping Corn Snakes as Pets

It’s not hard to see why corn snakes are considered the best beginner pet snake to own. Not only are they docile and enjoy being handled but they are also extremely hardy and therefore easy to care for. In addition, they come in a beautiful variety of colours and patterns. …

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Keeping Anoles as Pets

For a fascinating easy-care pet that’s great for a reptile beginner, look no further than the anole. Anoles are very attractive little lizards that are commonly found in the pet trade. Males, in particular, have a colour dewlap of skin under their chins which they can expand and flash during …

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Keeping Box Turtles as Pets

Box turtles are largely terrestrial turtles that can make attractive and fascinating pets – however they are a serious commitment given their lifespan (potentially 100 years!), special dietary and hibernation requirements and their need for an outdoors environment. Think carefully before acquiring a pet which may outlive you and which …

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Breeding Your Reptiles

For many reptile enthusiasts to successfully breed from their pets is the ultimate achievement. This is because reptiles often do not adapt well enough to captivity to feel comfortable enough to mate. Thus successful breeding indicates a high standard of skill in reptile husbandry. For all reptiles, whether lizard, snake …

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Reptile Expert